Tackling the Environmental Impact of Digital Services

Challenges and solutions

Thibault SIMON




1. The ICT's sector growth

2. ICT's carbon footprint

3. ICT's mineral footprint

4. Digital services Life Cycle Assessment

5. The lack of reference data

6. Boavizta

The ICT's sector growth

ICT: Information and Communications Technology

The ICT's sector growth

Why Software Is Eating The World (Marc Andreessen, WSJ, 2011)

Pong, 1972

From this...

...to this...

(35 millions lines of code)

...over billions of users worldwide.

: 2.99 billion monthly active users

Software is eating the car

What's next?

Will AR/VR eat the world ?

Will AI eat the world ?

ICT's carbon footprint

Is this growth decoupled?

ICT's carbon footprint

Between 2.1% and 3.9% of global GHG emissions

The global objectives

The ICT trajectories

« If the ICT sector should decrease its emissions in line with other parts of the economy, it would have to: reduce its CO2 emissions by 42% by 2030, 72% by 2040 and 91% by 2050 and be net zero by 2050 »

Latest news


Total water consumption

ICT's mineral footprint

Is the cloud really immaterial?

ICT's mineral footprint

« Mineral extraction has contributed to environmental degradation, population displacement, violent conflicts and human rights violations » 1

Is recycling the solution?

An expensive ratatouille

Credit: Muntaka Chasant

« The cumulative world generation of e-waste rose from 44.4Mt in 2014 to 62 in 2022 [...] while only 13.8 Mt were officially documented as properly collected and recycled »1

Another pressing issue: the energy transitions

An upcoming race...

...for critical minerals

Digital services LCA (theory)

Digital services LCA (theory)

Life Cycle Asessment for resources used

FU: Make a bank transfer each week for a year

User's device



Key difficulties: allocation and FU definition

Digital services LCA (reality)

Digital services LCA (reality)

A focus on energy

without the embodied footprint

78 % of consumers devices' carbon footprint comes from their manufacturing

with a carbon-tunnel vision

The lack of reference data

When comparing apples and oranges

The lack of reference data

Some reasons:

A relatively recent sector

Systems and products that evolve quickly

Complex and distributed systems

Business secrecy ($$$$)

Example: inner workings of a data-center

GWP calculators of the 3 biggest cloud-providers

The problems

  • A sector starting to consider its environmental footprint
  • Which lacks reliable, comparable reference data
  • Resulting in high margins of error
  • Current studies often narrowed to carbon footprint and usage phase

The solution



250 members, initiated in 2019

Working on the assessment of the environmental impacts of digital technologies

Create commons around evaluation methodologies, impact data repositories and evaluation tools



Tools landscape

Bottom-up modeling of a server's impacts


Modeling of cloud instances


Database of devices


Sustainable IT: How to get your hierarchy on board?

Link (in french)


The ICT sectors' still lacks suitable tools and methodology to holistically address its environmental footprint

Boavizta aims at producing such open-tools and methodologies

If you're interested, you're welcome to join: https://boavizta.org/en/join

Thank you for your attention!

Thibault SIMON
