Thibault Simon

I am a PhD candidate working on software environmental footprint in the Spirals team at Inria Lille and Orange Innovation in Rennes. I’m also an active member of Boavizta. I am particularly interested in these subjects:

Feel free to reach me at contact[at]

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T. Simon, D. Ekchajzer, A. Berthelot, E. Fourboul, S. Rince, R. Rouvoy, BoaviztAPI: A Bottom-Up Model to Assess the Environmental Impacts of Cloud Services, in HotCarbon’24, 2024, Santa Cruz (Remotely) [Paper] [Code] [Slides]

E. Guégain, T. Simon, A. Rahier, and R. Rouvoy, Managing Uncertainties in ICT Services Life Cycle Assessment using Fuzzy Logic, in International Conference on Information and Communications Technology for Sustainability (ICT4S), 2024, Stockholm [Paper]

T. Simon, P. Rust, R. Rouvoy, and J. Penhoat, Uncovering the Environmental Impact of Software Life Cycle, in International Conference on Information and Communications Technology for Sustainability (ICT4S), 2023, Rennes [Paper] [Slides] [Code]


From Bottom-Up to Top-Down: Rethinking Approaches to Assessing ICT’s Mineral Dependencies at The True Cost of ICT: From Materiality to Techno-Solutionism, 2024, Stockholm (Sweden) [Abstract] [Slides]

Tackling the Environmental Impact of Digital Services: Challenges and solutions at the European Sustainability Science Lab seminar (Sustainability science: what’s in a name?), 2024, Darmstadt (Germany) [Slides]

Enhancing the Embodied Environmental Footprint Estimations of ICT: Leveraging EEIO Techniques at Green Days, 2024, Toulouse [Slides]

Vers des applications à plus faible impact environnemental, Ma thèse en trois minutes (Jury’s prize) [Video]

Table ronde: La méthode Analyse de Cycle de Vie, un cadre d’évaluation d’impact reconnu par tous et adaptée au numérique au GreenTech Forum, 2023, Paris

Shaping the hidden environmental impacts of software at Green Software and Human Actors: design, code, and behavior - community workshop, 2023, Rennes [Abstract] [Slides]

Curriculum Vitae

Work experiences
